Meningitis after spinal anesthesia


Nabil Frikha
Nizar Kaouch
Faiez Gargouri
Sonia Ouerghi
Mohamed Salah Ben Ammar


Background: Meningitis is a rare complication after spinal anesthesia.
aim: We report 4 cases of meningitis occurred after spinal anesthesia.
Observations: These meningitis were diagnosed during tow months and with 3 different operators. The first symptoms appeared 4 to 6 hours after surgery and were represented especially by headaches and fever. Cyto-chimic analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) indicates bacterial meningitis but soluble antigens and culture were negative. Evolution was favorable in all cases under or without antibiotics. The exactly cause of these meningitis remained unknown and an insufficient asepsis was the principle risk factor found in all cases.
Conclusion: Prevention of this risk consists on hygienic rules and perfect skin disinfection.


meningitis, spinal anesthesia, prevention, antibiotics



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