The name in schizophrenia: A study of 60 patients.


R. Rafrafi
N. Bram
H. Bergaoui
I. Ben Romdhane
Z. El Hechmi


Background: Clinical aspects in schizophrenia suggest a unique relationship with the proper name.

aim: Discuss the validity of the hypothesis that the non-transmission of the surname may be a vulnerability factor in schizophrenia.

Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study conducted among 60 patients with schizophrenia and their families. Data were collected using a semi-structured interview.

results: Seven patients carried a different surname from their father (11.6% of participants). The disparity has only concerned the child with schizophrenia. Family characteristics (birth rank, desired character of pregnancy, family history of schizophrenia) and evolutif profile of the disease were comparable between patients with a family name according to the father and those with a different surname.

Conclusions: It appears that patients with schizophrenia maintain a special relationship with the proper name, which could be involved in the genesis of schizophrenia. Our early hypothesis, supported by the psychoanalytic, transgenerational and behavioral theories, would be a plausible starting point for studies with a broader spectrum including witnesses of the general and psychiatric populations.


Schizophrenia, Name, Psychopathology.



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