The morbidity diagnosed among the elderly in primary care at the sanitary region of Sousse


Chekib Zedini
Thouraya Nabli
Thouraya Nabli Ajmi
Iheb Bougmiza
Mariem El Ghardallou
Manal Mallouli
Manal Limam
Ali Mtiraoui


Background: Nowadays, the ageing of the population became a societal frequent problem throughout the world. In Tunisia, the part of the elderly of 60 years old and over is estimated at 17,7 % in 2029. This ageing is at the origin of important health problems, in particular the increase of the frequency of the chronic diseases.
aim : To identify the Sociodemographic characteristics of the consultants of 65 years old and over, and to describe the morbidity diagnosed in this age group in the primary health care centers of the sanitary region of Sousse.
methods: We conducted a cross-sectional descriptive study in 86 primary health care centers in Sousse over 1 year (2002–2003). Medical records for 3 weeks per season were randomly selected. The International Classification of Primary Care (ICPC) was used to code recorded data.
results: 2198 consultations were collected, elderly person presents on average 1,22 (± 0,55) morbid states by consultation. The main diseases identified in order were cardiovascular (26,2%), breathing (20,8%), osteo-articular (14,8%). Psychological and social disorders accounted for only 0,4% of cases. The major health problems were uncomplicated hypertension (22,4%), acute bronchitis / bronchiolitis (9,2%), diabetes mellitus type 2 (7,9%) and osteoarthritis of knee (4,7%).
Conclusion: These results are important both to meet the needs of consultants and especially to better adapt the training to practice field.


Elderly, morbidity, prevalence, primary health care, ICPC.



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