Smoking prevalence in A Mami hospital of Ariana: Prospective study about 700 health professionals.


J. Ammar
H. Abid Ouali
A. Berraies
A. Berraies
A. Hamzaoui
H. Abid Ouali


Background: smoking is one of the most serious threats to public health worldwide. Health srtuctures are the cornerstone of each program against smoking , or some studies have shown a prevalence of smoking as high in hospitals than in the general population.
Aim : To assess the prevalence of smoking, smoking behavior and attitudes of health professionals towards smoking within the A Mami Ariana Hospital
Methods: This is a cross-sectional survey conducted among 700 health professionals (doctors, nurses, workers, technicians and administrative staff) in the first quarter of 2010, based on a detailed questionnaire containing 15 closed-end items.
Results: The average age was 37 years and the sex ratio 0,5. Response rate to questionnaire was 81,4% and overall smoking prevalence 24,8%, five times higher in men (52,5% vs 9,8% p< 0,001). Smoking was greater among workers, night health professionals employees and employees of technical services, administration and intensive care services and only 13% among doctors. 50% of the surveyed have already tried at least once to quit, twice as many women than men. Former smokers accounted for 5,5% of all health professionals.
Conclusion: Although our hospital has been declared non-smoking area since 2009, 75% of professionals continue to smoke at the scene of their work. Strengthening of existing measures against smoking as smoking bans in the hospital, and improving training of health professionals on the dangers of smoking and ways of weaning are needed now.


Smoking, professional, health, prevalence, behavior, tobacco control, cessation



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