Henoch Schonlein nephrites in children : clinical features and outcome : about 34 cases


O. Naija
J. Bouzaraa
R. Goucha-Louzir
T. Gargah


Aim : To describe epidemiological, clinical, histological aspects, treatment and outcome of Henoch-Schönlein nephrits in children.
Methods : A retrospective study was conducted on medical data of 34 patients with Henoch-Schönlein nephritis From January 1, 1996 to December 31, 2010 in the Pediatric Department of Charles Nicolle Hospital.
Results : Nephritis occured in 68,7%. The average patient age was 7 years 2 months and sex ratio was 0,6. Microscopic hematuria was noted in 23,5%, moderate proteinuria with or without hematuria was observed in 20,5%. Nephrotic syndrome was noted in 29,5%; nephritic syndrome was associated to nephritic syndrome in 23,5%. Isolated hypertension was noted in one patient. Follow-up was 2 years 6 months. Remission was noted in 26 cases (76,4%) , minor urinary abnormalities in 7 cases (20,5%) and renal active disease in one case. Relapse was observed in 6 cases.
Conclusion : Our study was characterized by the predominance of severe renal manifestations and low grade histological aspects as well as favourable outcome in most 90% of cases.


Henoch-Schönlein ; Nephritis ; Outcome ; Proteinuria, Proteinuria, Henoch-Schönlein, Outcome



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