Determinants factors of hospital morbidity and mortality after reintervention of valve replacement


Jalel Ziadi
Rim Lakhdhar
Insaf Medeb
Dorsaf belgaid
Mourad Hakim
Habiba Drissa
Adel Khayati


Background: Valve surgery involves valvular substitutes that expose to different types of complications that can lead to re subsequent interventions.
aim : was to identify the predictors factors of in-hospital morbidity and mortality of re interventions after valve replacement .
methods : Retrospective study of 73 consecutive patients who underwent a re valve replacement between 1985 and 2010 in the Cardiovascular Surgical department of La Rabta hospital .
results: The average age at further surgery was 44 years ( 15-80 years) and sex ratio of 0.87 . The average time between interventions was 10 years (3 days -33 years). Different etiologies were found prosthesis thrombosis (36.9% ). The overall hospital mortality was 36.9 % , 11 intraoperative deaths and 16 immediate postoperative deaths.
Conclusion : The iterative intervention of valve replacement surgery is increasingly mastered by the surgical team . According to this study , the prognosis depends mainly on the patient preoperatively state, the cause of further surgery and its mode of occurrence .


Valvular surgery , further surgery , morbidity, mortality .



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