Comparison of Coronary calcifications detection by angiogram versus intravascular ultrasound


Habib Ben Ahmed
Khaled Bouzouita
Imen Hamdi
Aida Mokaddem
Youssef Ben Ameur
Mohamed Rachid Boujnah


Background: The presence, extent and location of calcium in coronary artery lesions are important determinants of the success of per cutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Although coronarography remains the gold standard for coronary disease detection, Intravascular ultrasound ( IVUS) is proposed as a superior technique for identifying patients with coronary artery calcification .
aim: To define sensibility and specificity of coronary angiography in detecting calcifications considering the IVUS as gold standard.
methods: Target lesion calcification was assessed in 40 patients (35 men; mean age 57.4 ± 10 years) by angiography and intravascular ultrasound.
results: Ultrasound detected calcium in 51 of 85 target lesion (60%),whereas angiography showed calcifications in only 16 lesion (19% p<0.001 compared with IVUS). Coronary angiography detected 8% of 0-45° arc calcium category, 7% of 45-90° calcium category, 58% of 90-180° calcium category, and 80% of more than 180° calcium category. The overall sensitivity of angiography in identifying calcium was 31% and increased with an increasing arc of lesionassociated calcium. The overall specificity of the angiographic detection of target lesion calcium was 100%.
Conclusion : Intra coronary ultrasound analysis shows that target lesion calcification is much more widespread in coronary artery disease than what angiography reveals. The sensitivity of angiography was poor, with although a very high specificity


Coronary disease, calcification, Intra vascular ultrasound, coronary angiography



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