Sleep in elderly consultants in the front line: About 50 cases


Rym Rafrafi
Imène Ben Romdhane
Malek Elkateb
Nesrine Bram


Background: Sleep disorders in the elderly are common. However, they are often under diagnosed and poorly supported.
Aim: To study the characteristics of sleep in the elderly consultant at the front line.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on a random sample of fifty persons aged 65 years and over, consultant in the center of basic health of Ezzahra and in a private practice in the same delegation.
Results: The sleep efficiency index was 0.85. Nighttime awakenings were present in 44 persons (88%). Unexplained late night awakening was reported by 19 subjects (38%). Among the respondents, 40 (80%) were considered to have at least one sleep disorder. The subjective complaint of insomnia was present in 70% of subjects. Excessive daytime sleepiness and/or hypersomnia were present in 70% of subjects. Nocturnal snoring was reported by 22 persons (44%). Nine subjects (18%) had respiratory pauses during sleep. Despite the high incidence of sleep disorder among the respondents, only 6 persons (15%) among them consulted their General Practitioner for this reason. Among patients with sleep disorder, 14 persons (40%) were taking hypnotics, from which 6 (43%) by self-medication.
Conclusion: Sleep disorders in the elderly as well as self-medication with hypnotics are common and under diagnosed. They should be sought systematically in front-line consultation.


Sleep, sleep disorder, elderly, survey, aging



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