Post-menopausal bleeding. Comparison between ultrasonography, hysteroscopy and histology’s results


Nabil Mathlouthi
Olfa Slimani
Amira Ferchichi
Riadh Ben Temime
Tahar Makhlouf
Leila Attia
Abdellatif Chachia


Background: Post-menopausal bleeding are frequently found in gynaecological consultations and requires the search of an organic cause
Aim: To value the profit and the performances of the transvaginal ultrasonography and the hysteroscopy in the determination of the causes of post-menopausal bleeding.
Methods: 80 patients presenting abnormal uterine bleeding in post menopause period have been explored in our department with transvaginal ultrasonography and hysteroscopy. The findings have been evaluated on the basis of specimens obtained from either endometrial biopsy, hysterectomy or operative hysteroscopy. We have calculated in our study the sensitivity, the specificity, the positive and negative predictive values of transvaginal ultrasonography and hysteroscopy.
Results: The sensitivity, the specificity, the positive and negative values predictive of the transvaginal ultrasonography is respectively 93, 75%, 87, 5%, 83, 3% and 95, 45%. In the other part, hysteroscopy seems more performant in the diagnosis of intrauterine abnormalities with the respective values: 100%, 95, 83%, 94, 11% and 100%.
Conclusion: The initial investigation in front of all mennorhagic patients must be the transvaginal ultrasonography but we also need the hysteroscopy because its highly accurate means in the diagnosis of the causes of excessive uterine bleeding in post menopausal period.


Transvaginal ultrasonography - Hystéroscopy - Excessive uterine bleeding



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