Delivery in breech presentation: What way should we choose?


Mourali Mechaal
Kawali Abdelkrim
Fitouhi Lobna
Hadroug L
Gharsa Anissa
Hmila Faouzia
Binous Naoufel
Ben Zineb Nabil
El Fekih Chiraz


Background: The breech delivery is considered dangerous because of the higher rates of perinatal mortality and morbidity which become attached to it, consequences of obstetric traumas bound to the obstetric operations. What way of delivery is it necessary to privilege? What are the arguments which we have to support our choice?
Aim: To assess the maternal and fetal outcome according to the way of delivery.
Methods: In this retrospective study, 194 women with a singleton pregnancy in a breech presentation delivered at term in our maternity unit in Ariana’s Hospital from January 2007 to December 2009.
Results: Breech presentation was noticed in 2, 59%. The main factors favoring this presentation are: the primipara, the uterine deformations, the pathological ponds, the abnormalities of the amniotic liquid, the fetal weight and the fetal deformations. Vaginal delivery was accepted in 57,7% of women and 75% from them delivered in natural way. The rate of caesarians was 56,7 %. Among these patients, 74, 5 % were indications in a cold caesarian (scar womb, pathological pond, RPM > 12 hours, estimated (esteemed) fetal weight > 3800g). The Apgar’s score was superior to seven in 97.6% of cases. There was no significant difference in fetal morbidity, Apgar’s score or in the need of transfer in intensive care unit.
Conclusion: When the acceptance conditions of the vaginal delivery are combined and when the surveillance of the labour is rigorous, it seems that there is no excess of neonatal risk by the natural ways.


Breech presentation, delivery, cesarean section, dystocia, prognosis



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