Takaysu’s arteritis in Tunisia: A monocentric study of 11 patients
Background: Takayasu’s disease is a chronic inflammatory arteritis involving large vessels in young women.
Aim: To assess the clinical, laboratory, and radiological features and course of Takayasu arteritis in Tunisia.
Methods: This retrospective study analyzed 11 patients with Takayasu arteritis between 1999 and 2010 who met the criteria for inclusion proposed by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR).
Results: The file review identified 11 women, with a mean age at diagnosis of 29.1 years (range: 17-50 years). Our series included involvement of the aortic arch and its branches in 8 cases, while only 3 cases of the abdominal aorta. Arterial hypertension due to stenosis of the renal arteries was noted in 4 cases. Aortic insufficiency and pulmonary hypertension were noted in one case. In all, 3 patients had type I disease, 3 type V and one type IV. In all, 4 patients had glucocorticoid treatment, and one needed immunosuppressive therapy. Three patients required surgical intervention. Our patients were followed for a mean period of 67.5 months. Disease remained stable in all patients.
Conclusion: Despite the small number of our patients, the clinical manifestations, angiographic data and course in our study were similar to those in other reported series.
Aim: To assess the clinical, laboratory, and radiological features and course of Takayasu arteritis in Tunisia.
Methods: This retrospective study analyzed 11 patients with Takayasu arteritis between 1999 and 2010 who met the criteria for inclusion proposed by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR).
Results: The file review identified 11 women, with a mean age at diagnosis of 29.1 years (range: 17-50 years). Our series included involvement of the aortic arch and its branches in 8 cases, while only 3 cases of the abdominal aorta. Arterial hypertension due to stenosis of the renal arteries was noted in 4 cases. Aortic insufficiency and pulmonary hypertension were noted in one case. In all, 3 patients had type I disease, 3 type V and one type IV. In all, 4 patients had glucocorticoid treatment, and one needed immunosuppressive therapy. Three patients required surgical intervention. Our patients were followed for a mean period of 67.5 months. Disease remained stable in all patients.
Conclusion: Despite the small number of our patients, the clinical manifestations, angiographic data and course in our study were similar to those in other reported series.
Takayasu's disease; vasculitis; corticosteroid##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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