Correlation between vital signs and hemoperitoneum in ruptured ectopic pregnancy


Nabil Mathlouthi
IKbal Ghodbane
Olfa Slimani
Riadh Ben Temime
Tahar Makhlouf
Leila Attia
Abdellatif Chechia


Background: Ectopic pregnancy (EP) is a medical-surgical emergency. Rupture of an ectopic pregnancy is a serious complication and may develop severe life-threatening to the patient.
Aim: To determine correlation between vital signs and hemoperitoneum in ruptured ectopic pregnancy and the association between abnormal vital signs and tubal rupture.
Methods: Via a retrospective study we have considered a sample of 32 patients of ruptured ectopic pregnancy. All patients were diagnosed at the Gynecology and Obstetrics Unit Aat Charles Nicole Hospital, Tunisia.
Results: Mean minimum systolic (SBP) 109 mmHg (range 70-150), mean maximum (HR) 81.5 beats/min (range 70-140). Mean volume of hemoperitoneum 693.75 mL (range 100 -2000 mL).Correlation between vital signs and volume of hemoperitoneum was poor (R 2 = 0.279 for HR, R 2= 0.267 for SBP). Hypotension was associated with blood loss of at least 1280 ml. Association of tachycardia with hypotension was observed in only 2 cases.Correlation between HR and SBP was not significant and poor (p=0.23, R 2= 0.05)
Conclusion: Normal vital signs alone are poor predictors of ruptured ectopic pregnancy and do not correlate well with volumes of hemoperitonieum.


Ectopic pregnancy, tubal rupture, vital signs, Heart rate, Blood pressure, Hemoperitonieum.



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