Prospective study of the contribution of hydrosonography in the exploration of the uterine cavity


Malek-mellouli Monia
Fethi Ben Amara
Néji Khaled
Ramzi Arfaoui
Majid M'barek
Atef Youssef
Manel Mbarki
H. Reziga


Background: Recent developments in ultrasound have led to a new exploration technique: hydrosonography.
Aim: To evaluate diagnostic performance of hysterosonography in the assessment of the uterine cavity, by comparing it with standard transvaginal ultrasound and particularly with diagnostic hysteroscopy.
Methods: This is a prospective study over a period of nine months from 1st January to 30 September 2009. Transvaginal ultrasound was performed for all patients followed by hydrosonography then by diagnostic hysteroscopy.
Results: Sixty-two patients underwent three examinations. The mean age of our patients was 42.2 years. Bleeding disorders of the menstrual cycle were the most common reasons for seeking. Referring to the pathological examination, hysteroscopy is the most accurate technique in the diagnosis of endometrial hyperplasia and intracavitary masses, followed by hydrosonography then by transvaginal ultrasound. The concordance between hydrosonography and hysteroscopy in the diagnosis of submucosal fibroids and hyperplasia of the endometrium is very good (K> 0.8).
Conclusion: The hysterosonography seems a relevant exam, allowing a complete assessment of the uterine cavity.


Ultrasound; endometrial; vaginal bleeding; hydrosonography; hysteroscopy



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