Special features of systemic sclerosis in men


Besma Ben Dhaou
Fatma Derbali
Zohra Aydi
Lilia Baili
Fatma Boussema
Sonia Ketari
Samir Kochbati
Ouahida Cherif
Lilia Rokbani


Background: Systemic sclerosis (SS) is a generalized disorder of connective tissue and microvasculature characterized by tissue fibrosis and obliteration of the vessels. Several features of systemic scleroderma in men are discussed in the literature.
Aim: To investigate the initial clinical features, evolution and prognosis of systemic sclerosis in men.
Methods: Patients with systemic sclerosis based on ACR’s criteria were included. In this retrospective study we compared a cohort of men to a cohort of women, diagnosed between 2000 and 2010 in department of internal medicine.
Results: Fifty four patients were included amongst which nine men. The mean follow-up duration was 39.5 months. A higher proportion of cardiac, renal and lung involvment were noted at diagnosis Localized cutaneous sclerosis was predominant in men.
Conclusion: This work has highlighted several features of systemic sclerosis encountered in men. These results warrant confirmation by analyzing a larger population


Systemic sclerosis; Male gender



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