Testicular cancer patterns in Tunisian men : Diagnosis problems, pathological types and prognosis. About 41 patients
Aim: To analyze the testicular cancer (TCa) incidence, diagnosis aspects, pathologic grade, stage, and survival in Tunisian men.
Methods: We studied all patients who had histopathologically confirmed TCa treated in La Rabta University-Hospital between 1991 and 2010. Baseline demographic data included age at diagnosis, year of diagnosis, clinical symptoms, stage at diagnosis, histologic type, management strategies and survival were analyzed.
Results: The incidence of TCa among Tunisians is very low; we collected only 41 cases over a period of 20 years with an average incidence of 2 new cases per year. Peak age incidence was 30-49 years. Testicular swelling was the principal complaint in 25 patients. 58.5% of tumours were rightsided and 39% were left-sided. There was bilateral involvement in only one case. The mean interval between onset of symptoms and presentation was 16.5 months (1-120). Most patients presented at stages T2 and T3 (63.4% and 26.8% respectively). Treatment consisted of radical orchidectomy in all patients and cisplatin-based chemotherapy and radiotherapy in respectively 11 and 12 patients (association in 5 patients). One patient with a tumour in an intra-abdominal testis underwent laparotomy. The most common histological types were seminomas (n=20) and mixed germ cell (n=8). Three patients died within 48 months, while half were lost to follow-up.
Conclusions: The incidence of TCas in Tunisia remains low. Late presentation and treatment are major challenges to management. Better health funding and education regarding testicular selfexamination is essential.
Methods: We studied all patients who had histopathologically confirmed TCa treated in La Rabta University-Hospital between 1991 and 2010. Baseline demographic data included age at diagnosis, year of diagnosis, clinical symptoms, stage at diagnosis, histologic type, management strategies and survival were analyzed.
Results: The incidence of TCa among Tunisians is very low; we collected only 41 cases over a period of 20 years with an average incidence of 2 new cases per year. Peak age incidence was 30-49 years. Testicular swelling was the principal complaint in 25 patients. 58.5% of tumours were rightsided and 39% were left-sided. There was bilateral involvement in only one case. The mean interval between onset of symptoms and presentation was 16.5 months (1-120). Most patients presented at stages T2 and T3 (63.4% and 26.8% respectively). Treatment consisted of radical orchidectomy in all patients and cisplatin-based chemotherapy and radiotherapy in respectively 11 and 12 patients (association in 5 patients). One patient with a tumour in an intra-abdominal testis underwent laparotomy. The most common histological types were seminomas (n=20) and mixed germ cell (n=8). Three patients died within 48 months, while half were lost to follow-up.
Conclusions: The incidence of TCas in Tunisia remains low. Late presentation and treatment are major challenges to management. Better health funding and education regarding testicular selfexamination is essential.
Testicular, Cancer, Incidence, Epidemiology, Cryptorchidism, Orchiectomy, Mortality, Tunisia.##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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