Safety of Magnesium sulfate in severe preeclampsia


Malek-mellouli Monia
Youssef Atef
Fethi Ben Amara
Maher Nasr
Néji Khaled
Mourad Bouchnack
Hayen Maghrebi
Hédi Reziga


Background: Several observational studies and randomized trials have described the use of various regimens of magnesium sulfate to prevent or reduce the rate of seizures and complications in women with severe preeclampsia.
Aim: To assess the validity of a service protocol in the management of severe pre-eclampsia all specifying the benefits, complications and side effects of magnesium sulfate .
Methods: We have performed a retrospective descriptive study over two years (2009-2010) concerning 150 patients affected with severe preeclampsia in the department “B” of gynecology and obstetrics of the “Rabta” at the Centre of Maternity and Neonatology of Tunis (third level maternity). The protocol consisted in the administration of 3 grammes of magnesium sulfate followed by intravenous dose of 1 g/hour associated with an anti-hypertensive treatment.
Results: One hundred and forty patients (93%) had 2 or more criteria of severity associated. Seventy-eight (52 %) patients with severe preeclampsia have profited an anti-hypertensive treatment based on nicardipine associated with magnesium sulfate without notable secondary effects. In two cases (1.3 %) an eclampsia was noted with magnesium sulfate, 27.4 % of severe preeclampsia was noted at a term within 34 week of amenorrhea. Only one case of surdosage was noted in post partum.
Conclusion: The use of magnesium sulfate in practice does not appear to increase the risk of complications or major side effects in the mother and fetus.


Magnesium sulfate; severe preeclampsia; prevention; pregnancy.



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