Thrombosis and cancer: Retrospective study of 17 cases


Besma Ben Dhaou
Fatma Derbali
Fatma Boussama
Zohra Aydi
Lilia Baili
Lilia Rokbani


Background: The association cancer and venous thrombosis is almost always an independent criterion of poor prognosis of cancer. Thus, venous thromboembolic disease is with infection and organ failure, one of the leading causes of death in patients with malignant disease.
Aim: To identify the characteristics of the association between cancer and venous thrombosis in any patient with deep vein thrombosis of lower limbs seemingly unexplained.
Methods: This is a retrospective study from January 1994 to December 2008, concerning 17 cases of patients with deep vein thrombosis of lower limbs associated with neoplasia, hospitalized in internal medicine department at Habib Thameur hospital between a total of 290 patients with deep vein thrombosis of lower limbs. Only patients hospitalized for deep vein thrombosis of lower limbs complicated or not by a pulmonary embolism were included.
Results: Our study concerned 17 patients. There were 10 women and 7 men with a sex ratio (Female / Male) at 1, 42. The average age was 68.7 years, with extreme ages ranging from 40 to 90 years. Cancer has formed 6% of the causes of deep venous thrombosis of lower limbs. Eight of our patients were known to suffer from a cancerous disease. Six cases of cancers were discovered at an advanced stage of evolution with multiple metastases. In seven cases the etiological could not be achieved. Deep venous thrombosis was complicated by pulmonary embolism in four inaugural events, five patients had recurrent thrombosis, and two cases of bleeding complications were noted.
Conclusion: Venous thromboembolism is common in cancer patients. It can be the first manifestation of cancer completely silent. The course and prognosis depend on the stage of cancer combined.


Venous thromboembolism; Cancer



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