Hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of prineal Crohn's disease era of Infliximab: a renewal interest?


Haykel Bedioui
Amin Makni
Houcine Magherbi
Zoubeir Ben Safta


Bachground: Despite the growing number of therapeutic methods and the recent introduction of new drugs more active in the therapeutic arsenal, lesions of the ano-perineal Crohn's disease remains difficult to support. Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) was made before the era of infliximab, an interesting therapeutic approach in which the current position remains unclear.
Aim: To assess HBO efficacy in the treatment of anal fistulas refractory Crohn's disease.
Methods: Literature review.
Results: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was used in the 90’s when the biotherapy was not part of the armamentarium for Crohn’s disase. Research conducted has identified only nine publications evaluating the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of anal fistulas refractory Crohn's disease. Among the nine publications, we have retained only four: two clinical trials and two clinical cases. The total number of patients was 22: 12 women and 10 men. The average age of patients was 37 years. The average number of session was 42 sessions. Remission was observed in 15 patients (68.18%) whereas with Infliximab rate is 66%. Adverse events were observed in 2 patients (16.6%). Indeed, instead of considering them as two different alternatives, it should be combined to obtain a synergy to increase response rates, shorten the healing and especially to decrease the recurrence rate. Only a prospective randomized controlled trial (with two arms: biotherapy versus biotherapy associated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy) could accommodate this technique in the armamentarium of perineal lesions of Crohn's disease.


Crohn's disease, perineal lesions, biotherapy, Infliximab, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy



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