Cervical ripening at term. A randomized and prospective study: Misoprotol versus dinoprostone


Haikel Trabelsi
Nabil Mathlouthi
Sonia Zayen
Mohamed Dhouib
Kaies Chaabene
Khaled Trabelsi
Habib Amouri
Belhassen Ben Ayed
Mohamed Guermazi


Aim: To compare the efficacy and safety of cervical ripening at term by vaginal Misoprostol and Dinoprostone.
Methods:We performed a prospective randomized study on cervical ripening with misoprostol and dinoprostone in the third trimester of pregnancy. 300 patients have been divided into two groups: one consisted by 150 patients who received Misoprostol (Cytotec ®) and the second consisted by 150 patients who received Dinoprostone (Prépidil ®).
Results: Analysis of our results allowed to reveal: a significant decrease in the time of entry into work for the Misoprostol group (9.08 hours versus 12.51 hours, p = 0.007), a significant reduction delivery time (14.48 hours versus 19.30 hours, p = 0.001). Moreover, the birth rate in the first 24 hours after the first dose was significantly higher in the Misoprostol group (86.7% versus 72.7%, p = 0.003). The use of oxytocin was significantly reduced with Misoprostol (44% versus 58.7%, p = 0.01). The mode of delivery was not influenced by membership in one or other of the two groups.
Conclusion: Misoprostol seems an interesting molecule for cervical ripening and labor induction.


Cervical ripening ; Misoprostol ; Dinoprostone ; Delivery Randomized clinical trial



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