Transfusion safety : State of the arts (ART)


Neila Ben Romdhane
Héla Baccouche
Sonia Mahjoub
Adel Khayati


Background: Blood transfusion is a high risk activity.
Aim: To evaluate transfusion safety in planned cardiac surgery.
Methods: This study was conducted in the blood bank of the Rabta Hospital in two phases: a phase to observe transfusion acts followed by corrective actions and a phase to evaluate the impacts of these corrections on the transfusion practices. Characteristics of the potentially transfused patients, the eventually prescribed, dispensed and transfused blood products and transfusion practices were studied.
Results: During the observation phase, 70 patients were enrolled, 51 potentially transfused. Weaknesses concerned the mention of phenotype and transfusion history when ordering blood components as well as the double ABO/D group typing, the phenotype and the cross match performing. Final bedside controls were done in a wrong way. The distribution and the blood administration were established respectively for 208 and 232 blood products. The traceability was established for 86 blood products. During the evaluation phase, 30 patients were enrolled, 15 potentially transfused. Improvement was achieved in the transfusion history notification, phenotype and antibodies screen performing and cross matching.
Conclusion: Optimisation of blood transfusion can be conceived only with collaboration between the different transfusion structures.


Transfusion, safety, surgery, hemovigilance



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