Occupational low back trauma in Tunisia


Nizar Ladhari
Adel Amri
Imene Youssef
Abada Mhamdi
Taoufik Bouhouch
Ezzeddine Gharbi
Mongi Hamdouni
Rafik Gharbi


Background: In Tunisia, eight researches works, dealing with low back trauma (LBT), have been achieved in some occupational sector activities and only 2 of them have been published.
Aim: To synthesize data provided by these 8 works realized between 1998 and 2007, in order to estimate the disorder magnitude and to describe LBT victims profile in Tunisia.
Methods: The global population of study is made of 1357 LBT victims (977 belonging to the private sector and 380 to the public sector). The data collection was carried out according to an uniformed model for the 8 studies.
Results: In the public sector, Commission Médicale Centrale data show that LBT account for 4 to 5% of occupational accidents (OA) and that their annual incidence is from 32 to 36/100000. In the private sector, Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Maladie data reveal that LBT account for 7.7% to 9.5% of OA. LBT victim is a male (83%), with an age ranging between 36 and 43.5 years, married (84%), educated up to the secondary educational (91%) with a vertebral disorders history (34%). He belongs to the general-purpose workmen category in 1/2 of cases with an average seniority ranging between 7.8 and 16.2 years. LBT almost subjects, get at least of a sick leave. Work days lost is around 210 days for the private sector and 18 days for the public. The per annum amount versed for each LBT case, within the framework of the Total Temporary incapacity, is of 1449.319 DT and 45% of the subjects profit from a professional reclassification.
Conclusion: Our results join those of international studies having dealt with LBD in professional environment. In spite of some limiting methodological issues, they allowed us to provide to professionals in occupational health useful data for this occupational risk management.


Low back pain, Occupational accident, Sector activity, Incidence, Tunisia.



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