Fibroid and pregnancy: the complications


Zeghal Dorra
Ayachi Amira
Mahjoub Sami
Boulahya Ghassen
Zakraoui Aymen
Ben Hmid Rim
Zouari Faouzia


Aim: To study the maternal and fetal morbidity in the association fibroid and pregnancy and the management in this case.
Methods: A retrospective study of 80 cases of fibroids associated to pregnancy. These cases were taken from the department “C” of gynecology and obstetrics in the center of maternity and neonatology of Tunis.
Results: We studied 80 cases of fibroid associated to pregnancy in our study. The mean age of the patients was 32 years old. 45 % of the patients were primipares. The interstitial fibroids (68 %) are the most frequent. The average number of fibroid is 1, 7 in each pregnancy. The aseptic necrobiosis is the most frequent complication of the fibroid whereas for the mother the main complications are the premature delivery, the premature rupture of membranes and the placenta praevia during the third term of pregnancy. The dystocic presentations are more frequent than in the general population, responsible of a higher rate of caesarian sections. The delivery hemorrhage constitutes the most frequent complication of the post partum. The fetal prognosis is globally good with a morbidity dominated by growth restrictions but with no superior mortality rate. The myomectomy was practiced during the caesarian section in 3 cases, the abstention being the rule for the other patients.
Conclusion: The association fibroid and pregnancy is not rare, the complications are frequent that is why it is considered as a high risk pregnancy. An early detection of the complications and a prevention of delivery hemorrhage would reduce the maternal and fetal morbidity.


Fibroid -pregnancy - complication- prevention.



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