General rules of the management of diabetes with psychiatric disorders


Naziha Khammassi
Abdelhedi Haykel
Ouahida Cherif


Background: Psychiatric disorders appear to be frequent in patients with diabetes mellitus. The presence of psychiatric co-morbidity may affect adherence to medication and self-care regimes.
Aim: To establish rules of the management of diabetes among people with psychiatric disorders.
Methods: Literature review on the PUBMED database using the following keywords: diabetes, psychiatric disorders, anti-psychotics, complications.
Results: Psychiatric disorders appear to be frequent in patients with diabetes mellitus. Their presence is associated with poor glycemic control and more diabetes complications. This negative effect may be increased by taking atypical antipsychotics which expose to several metabolic effects such as overweight, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, Type 2 diabetes and dyslipidemia.
Conclusion: The management of diabetes among people with psychiatric disorders should be multidisciplinary including internist, diabetologist, psychiatrist, and paramedical staff. This treatment includes medical (anti-diabetics, anti-psychotics) and psychotherapeutic interventions through which we can have better glycemic control and decreased rates of diabetes complications.


Diabetes; psychiatric disorders; anti-psychotics; psychotherapy; complications



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