Clinical and phmetric evaluation of gastro-esophageal reflux impact on upper airways in adult


Sethom Anissa
Khemaies Akkari
Khaled Riahi
Imed Miled
Sonia Benzarti
Mohamed Kamel Chebbi


Background: Gastroesophageal reflux is a frequent and benign affection. It represents an etiopathological entity in otorhinolaryngology; that may occasion a large variety of ENT manifestations.
Aim: To evaluate clinical and pHmetric impact of gastro esophageal reflux on upper airways in adult.
Methods: Prospective study about 95 cases diagnosed and treated at the ENT department of military hospital of Tunis. Clinical features, pH metric profiles and therapeutic approach are reported and compared to the literature.
Results: The mean age was 37 years old. Sex ratio was 1.16. Pharyngolaryngeal symptoms dominated ENT manifestations (41 cases). Laryngeal dyspnea, cough and dysphonia were predictive of danger. Positive pH metric rate collated to posterior laryngitis and pharyngitis were respectively 81.2% and 79.1%. Posterior laryngitis, dental erosion and chronic sinusitis, seem to have pejorative significance.
Conclusion: Otorhinolaryngologist must think about asymptomatic reflux every time when chronic or recurrent ENT affection remain unexplained after complete clinical investigations. PH monitoring confirms gastroesophageal reflux disease.


Gastroesophageal reflux, ENT manifestations, 24 hours PH monitoring.



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