Post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome.


Meriem Serghini
Sami Karoui
Jalel Boubaker
Azza Filali


Background: Post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome (PI-IBS) is a disorder wherein symptoms of IBS begin after an episode of acute gastroenteritis.
Aims: To determine epidemiology, clinical features and prognosis of PI-IBS and to precise its physiopathology and treatment.
Methods: Literature review.
Results: Published studies have reported an incidence of PI-IBS ranging from 4 to 32 % with a mean of 10 %. Bacterial infections are the most responsible agents. Risk factors for PI-IBS include patient’s demographics, psychological disorders and the severity of enteric illness. The most common symptoms are those of diarrheapredominant IBS. The mechanisms underlying PI-IBS include especially changes in intestinal permeability and persistent mucosal inflammatory process. In fact, there is increase in lymphocytic, mast and enterochromaffin cells in the gut mucosa. Furthermore, increased inflammatory cytokines have been demonstrated. Treatment of PIIBS is similar to that idiopathic IBS.
Conclusion: PI-IBS is a novel clinic entity that suggests a novel approaches to IBS.


Irritable bowel syndrome, infections, gastroenteritis, physiopathology.



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