Multi slice computerized tomography of the heart and coronary arteries


Habiba Mizouni
Younes Arous
Mohamed Hedhli
Maha Mahmoud
Emna Menif


Background: Due to the recent technological progress, multislice computerized tomography (MSCT) allows visualizing the heart and coronary arteries. Multislice computed tomography is non invasive and provides high quality images.Its main limits are arythmia, tachycardia and coronary calcifications. But the main drawback with MSCT is the radiation dose.
Aim : Report of usefuluess and indications of multislice CT scanner.
Methods : Rzview of literature
Results : Although the indications of MSCT did not reach a guideleness level yet, some trends can be stated. The advantages and limitations of MSCT in cardiac exploration are summarized in this article. The indications are mainly based on the excellent negative predictive value of MSCT regarding coronary artery disease. Hence, patients at low to moderate risk of coronary artery disease mostly benefit of the technique. MSCT can be an alternate examination in case of non feasible or non contributive ischemic test. MSCT is highly contributive in the ostial analysis, in detecting abnormal congenital coronary anomalies or in analysing bypass grafts. MSCT remains limited in patients with heavily calcified coronary arteries, and in patients with stented distal arteries.
Conclusion : Multislice CT scanner should not be considered as equivalent to invasive coronary angiography bu it is a additional diagnostic tool.


Multislice computerized tomography, Coronary arteries, Heart, Coronary artery disease



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