Web site of “La Tunisie Médicale” was created two years ago ...


Chadli Dziri
Samir Boukthir
Société Tunisienne des Sciences Médicales


Background: La Tunisie Médicale, official journal of Tunisian Society for Medical Sciences and  Tunisian Medical Organization, born in 1903 with ISSN number 0041-4131and  INIST code 4691 of French Pascal database, had since September 2009 its website : www.latunisiemedicale.com
Aim: To assess the editorial policy of «La Tunisie Médicale»
Methods: A descriptive analysis was performed to evaluate different categories of articles and number of papers written with English language. mdweb society, which created the website site www.latunisiemedicale.com , planned to have instantaneously a descriptive analysis concerning the number of consultants per article.
The site www.scopus.com helped us to have the number of articles citations which was useful to calculate Impact Factor (IF). National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) of National Library of Medicine provided monthly number of hits.
Results: Number of published articles increased regularly to reach 250 and 300 between 2009 and 2011. Beside original articles, cases report, overviews, continuing medical education and  editorials, we introduced systematic reviews of literature, letters to editors, historical notes, section reserved for images in clinical practice, point of view, technical novelty and section for « Pro & Cons» in which readers could present their opinions with reply of authors. Articles written in English have increased to reach the number of 60 between 2010 and 2011. Visitors number of «la Tunisie Médicale» website, from 195 countries, was 465 596 between January 1st 2011 and December 22nd 2011. Half of consultants (51.06%) came from several sources such as «Google/organic» and «ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ referral». Number of visits from NCBI was about 3000 per month from June 2010 to December 2011. The ten first visited articles concerned sexual organ and tuberculosis. Articles citations of «laTunisie Médicale» are in constant progress and Impact Factor,
increased from 0.054 in 2004 to 0.277 in 2011.
Conclusion: We succeeded to increase the number of articles written in English. Results are interesting Impact Factor of 2011 is 0,277; however we should be modest because we still have a very long way, we should help authors to perform systematic reviews with a sound methodology


Editorial policy, assessment, evaluation, bibliometrics, indices



  1. Dziri C, Société Tunisiennes des sciences médicales - La Tunisie Médicale : Où en est la situation en 2009 ? - Tunis Med 2010 ;88 :
  2. Ben Temime R, Najar I, Chachia A, Attia L, Makhlouf T, Koubaa A. [Imperforate hymen: a series of 13 cases]. Tunis Med. 2010;88:168-71
  3. Abdennader S. [Management of balanitis]. Tunis Med. 2011;89:4-9
  4. Chelli D, Gaddour I, Najar I, et al. [First trimester ultrasound: an early screening tool for fetal structural and chromosomal abnormalities]. Tunis Med. 2009;87:857-62
  5. Boudhraa K, Bensalah N, Nefoussi R, et al. [Ovarian cyst: comparison between ultrasonography, laparoscopy, and pathology of 100 cases]. Tunis Med. 2009;87:516-20
  6. Tinsa F, Bellalah M, Brini I, et al. Infantile onset of Cockayne syndrome without photosensitivity in a Tunisian girl. Tunis Med.2009;87:877-9
  7. Sallami S, Ben Rhouma S, Chelif M, Nouira Y, Horchani A. [The female urethral diverticulum. Analysis of 27 cases]. Tunis Med. 2010;88:306-11.
  8. El Fekih C, Ouerdiane N, Mourali M, et al. [Prenatal diagnosis and management of fetal megacystis]. Tunis Med. 2009;87:887-90
  9. Chelli D, Gatri C, Boudaya F, et al. [Ovarian pregnancy. Report of three cases]. Tunis Med. 2009;87:797-800
  10. Khemiri M, Labessi A, Zouari S, et al. [Tuberculosis in childhood: clinical features and problems in diagnosis. Report of 30 cases]. Tunis Med. 2009;87:61-7
  11. Mebazaa A, Abdelmalek R, Azzouz H, et al. [Vulval tuberculosis in an immunocompetent female]. Tunis Med. 2010;88:770-1