Clinical and radio-anatomical aspects of traumatic brain injuries after road crash at one hospital, Benin


Olatoundji Holden Fatigba
Emile Mensah
Alexandre Allode Salako
Rokiatou Babio
Kofi Mensa Savi De Tove
Prosper Gandaho


Background: Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) represent one major cause of death worldwide. The young people are most concerned and road crash is the first etiology.
Aim: To establish the frequency, clinical, and radio-anatomical sides of TBI after road crash.
Methods: It was descriptive study performed from January 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 in Borgou Departmental Hospital, Benin. It concerned patients admitted in ours unit four traumatic brain injuries after road crash.
Results: 274 patients answered the criteria of inclusion. They was 22, 2% of the hospitalizations in surgery unit. The mean age was 29.56 years. The age bracket most concerned was the 21- 30 years [35.8%]. The sex ratio M/F was 5.85. The initial loss of consciousness was the clinical sign more observed [89.8%]. The
neurological deficits were observed in 9.8% of the cases. The severe TBI (GCS ² 8) accounted for 27.7% of the patients. Among the 110 patients [41.1%] received skull X-ray, 66 patients [50.9%] presented a vault’s lesion. The cerebral scanner produced among 38 patients [13.9%] objectified lesions of the vault in 21 [55.3%] patients. The intracranial injuries were dominated by the cerebral contusions [31.6%]. Mortality was 17.5%. Among death, the 21-30 years old was 37.5%.
Conclusion: TBI admitted in CHD-Borgou are major problem. Preventives measure concerning all users may be applied.


Traumatic brain injuries, road crash, Glasgow coma scale, CTscanner, Benin.



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