Bulimia and anorexia among the teenagers


Hela Ben Salem
Imene Gaigi
Hamouda El Fray
Sadok Gaigi
Jalila El Ati


Background: The disturbances related to the feeding behavior are increasing in Tunisia.
Aim: To evaluate the impact of an adapted and personalized therapeutic program, including dietetic advises and practice of yoga in Tunisian teenagers suffering from bulimia or anorexia.
Methods: Our study was carried out on 31 teenagers, old 16 to 19 years, 10 were anorexics (9 girls and 1 boy) and 21 were bulimics (14 girls and 7 boys).
Results: After twelve weeks of program application a clear improvement of the physical and mental state of our subjects was recorded. Indeed, an average fall of 7.3% of the body weight of the compulsive eaters and an increase of 6.6% of that of the anorexics were obtained. On the mental level, the frequency of the subjects
which make daily crises passed from 29% to 19%. More half of the subjects (54.8%) paid more not to vomit but occasionally (less than one once out of two crises).
Conclusions: These results show that an assumption of responsibility targeted of the teenagers suffering from food behavioral problems can help them to be left there.


Anorexia - bulimia - yoga - relaxation - food - teenagers



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