Handling the cases of school failure in an educational institute in Zaghouan


Afifa Abdelkafi Koubaa
Samira Bouslama
Najet Bel Abed
Hayet Dahmen
Zvine Mira Gabsi
Abdallah Gabsi
Nabil Ouerfelli
Mohamed Taher Mabaouj
Bachouche Imen


Aim: To assess the main reasons for the school failure in a school in Zaghouan, how to handle these issues, to evaluate the work of the school social office.
Methods: A retrospective study included 86 failure cases in a school in Zaghouan, handled by the school social office for three years (2004 - 2007). He have detected the principals causes of school failure, detected by the educational staff or by the listening office.
Results: The causes of failure are mainly social (46%) as family problems and low income. These families received financial aids and free treatment cards. Discussions have been made with the parents in order to make them more conscious. The pedagogical reasons (28%) however are usually relationship’ problems between the student and his teacher or the student and the administration, the three subjects were informed so that attitudes could be changed in the purpose of helping the student. Twelve students (14%) have a psychological case, depression and over worrying, led in some cases to addiction.These cases were diagnosed and transferred to specialized clinics.Sense and chronic diseases (12%), are considered as health reasons for school failure and caused several absences in the school. The school physicist took care of these cases by handing them medical guidance cards while observing the diagnose progress. As school results, 56 cases turned satisfaisant which is 65 % of all cases.
Conclusion: The school failure became a priority of the “School Health” institute. That puss to create the school social program, his aim is protecting the students from all dangers, early school leaving and social disintegration, and delinquency. Thus, all parts must be responsible for the school failure, teachers, parents, students,psychiatrists and physicists, as well as introducing the social school work and listening offices and missions to the parents, students and teachers in order to guarantee the success of the operations.


School failure; students; social action; prevention



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