Obstetrical Prognosis following ligation of Hypogastric arteries


Nabil Mathlouthi
Belhassen Ben Ayed
Mohamed Dhouib
Kaies Chaabene
Khaled Trabelsi
Mohamed Ayadia
Kamel Kolsi
Habib Amouri
Mohamed Guermazi


Background: Ligation of hypogastric arteries is a conservative surgical treatment in cases of postpartum hemorrhage.
Aim: To study the fertility and pregnancies outcome in women who required hypogastric artery ligation for severe post-partum haemorrhage in our hospital.
Methods: The fertility and pregnancy outcome parameters were retrieved from medical files and telephone interviews
Results: 34 patients required hypogastric ligation on this period. 39 pregnancies were observed with 30 term deliveries, 1 ectopic pregnancies and 8 miscarriages. Two patients had infertility and pregnancy was obtained in less than 10 months most once desired.Pregnancy outcome was normal. 73,3% of deliveries were by
Conclusion: Hypogastric artery ligation for post-partum haemorrhage is not responsible for secondary infertility. Following pregnancies do not suffer complications from the ligation.


Post partum hemorrhage-hypogastric artery ligation-fertility.



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