Organ and tissue harvesting in children: comparison of the legal framework in Tunisia and France


maher jedidi
mohamed ben dhiab
souheil Mlayeh
wael majdoub
majed Zemni
Anne M Duguet


In Tunisia as in France, the legislator recognized the organ harvesting as of public health priority. To promote it, cells of coordination are created, and controlled by regulatory texts. There are differences in the strategy of organ harvesting in minor but whether he is alive or dead, he is well protected by law. Organ harvesting in alive child is prohibited in both Tunisia and France but the haematopoietic cells one is authorized. In the minor deceased organ harvesting obeys common principles, appearing in the bioethical law (France) and the law n°91-22 of March 25, 1991 (Tunisia) with a difference in the procedure of the assent of the legal guardian.


Organ harvesting, child, legislation



  1. Article L 1231-1 à L 1243-9 du Code français de la Santé Publique.
  2. Article 3 du code tunisien de la protection de l'enfant.
  3. Article 388 du code civil français.
  4. Article L 1231-2 du Code français de la Santé Publique.
  5. Arrêté du ministre de la santé publique tunisien du 28.7.2004 fixant les critères et les modalités pratiques relatifs au prélèvement d'organes et de tissus humains, à leur conservation, leur transport, leur distribution, leur attribution et leur greffe.
  6. Article L 1232-2 du Code français de la Santé Publique.
  7. Article L 1241-3 du Code français de la Santé Publique.
  8. Article L 1231-3 du Code français de la Santé Publique.