Uncommon cervicobrachial neuralgia: about 17 cases


Leila Cheikhrouhou Abdelmoula
Lilia Daoud
Chiraz Ben Hadj Yahia
Raoudha Tekaya
Lilia Chaabouni
Rafik Zouari


Background: Cervicobrachial neuralgia (CBN) is frequent in out patient clinic as well in general medicine as in rheumatology. Even though cervical disc degeneration and osteophytosis constitute the most frequent etiology of such a trouble, the practitioner must be aware of much more serious underlying cause.
Aim: To investigate the epidemiology, clinical features, aetiologies and paraclinical characteristics of uncommon CBN.
Methods: Retrospective chart review about 17 cases of uncommon CBN among the 84 cases of CBN hospitalized at the rheumatology department of the Charles Nicolle Hospital during a 16-years-period [1990-2005].
Results: There were 11 men and 6 women with a mean age of 63 years [33y-81y]. All patients presented a CBN since in average five months [2 months- 24 months]. Neck stiffness was noted in 60% of cases and a neurological impairment in 47% of cases. X-ray radiographs of cervical spine were normal in five cases. In the remaining cases, they showed lytic images (six cases), disk space narrowing with vertebral erosions (two cases) and vertebral fracture (three cases). Further investigations concluded that the CBN was due to a Pancoast’syndrome in five cases, an infectious spondylitis in three cases, cervical bone metastasis in two cases, a syringomyelia in two cases, a neuroma in one case, a thoracic outlet syndrome in one case and an erosive spondylarthropathy in a paatent presentig chronic renal failure managed by hemodialysis.
Conclusion: In comparison with common CBN, our patients presenting symptomatic CBN were characterised by an inflammatory and refractory pain. The more frequent recourse to modern imaging is justified.


Cervicobrachial neuralgia, X-ray computed tomography, MRI, infectious spondylitis, tumor



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