Renal colic in pregnancy and lactation: diagnostic and therapeutic approaches


Sataa Sallami
Sami Ben Rhouma
Nawfel Ben Rais
Ali Horchani


Background: Renal colics due to urinary stones are also common in women of childbearing age whether pregnant or not.
Aim : Through a review of literature, we evaluated diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in renal colic in pregnancy and lactation.
Methods: Review of literature.
Results: The clinical diagnosis is sometimes difficult requiring additional medical imaging based on ultrasound. Other radiological investigations using X-rays are formally forbidden.
The prescription of analgesic treatment during pregnancy and lactation must take into account mainly the teratogenic risk in addition to maternal risk by altering drug pharmacokinetics during pregnancy.
Conclusion: During pregnancy, NSAIDs are prohibited because of their teratogenicity effect. Salicylates and opiates should be used with care, especially in cases of threat of confinement. Paracetamol remains the treatment of choice. Salicylates and corticosteroids should be used with caution during lactation.


Renal colic, pregnancy, placenta, fetus, drug, teratology, newborn, lactation, treatment, prescription



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