Cardio respiratory arrest out of the hospital at the eldest


Sonia Karma
Abdelaziz Zouari
Mokhtar Frikha
Sana Dridi
Chedli Ghanem
Slim Jedidi
Hajer Belakhdar
Samir Abdelmoumen
Mounir Daghfous


Background: Background: The management of the older constituted a problematic that will be more attractive in the future because of the population’s advanced age.
Aim: To evaluate the management of the older more than 75 years that presented an arrest chest.
Methods: Retrospective study during 12 months (from the first January 2004 to 31 December 2004) and interested 15 regulation’s documents; we studied demographic parameters, the cause and the time of called the evolution after cardio-respiratory resuscitation.
Results: We had 9276 called cases: 320 concerned patients more than 75 years (3, 45%) among 15 (4, 68%) had a chest arrest, the ratio sex was 0, 5 and the middle age: 78, 4 years. In the most cases; the called arrived by night (40%). The principal symptomatology was respiratory troubles (33, 33%); the outcome was fatal in all cases.
Conclusion: The older over than 75 years had many pathologies that is why the prognostic of the chest arrest was very bad (mortality 100%), the gravity of the chest arrest was seen on this study so we must take seriously all the pathology presented by the older, multiplied the medical consultations to detect the complications earlier and to improve the life’s quality.


Chest arrest, old person, out of hospital



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