Management of failure of infliximab in inflammatory bowel disease
Background: Infliximab is a chimeric monoclonal anti TNFa whose effectiveness during IBD has been demonstrated especially in Crohn's disease and more recently in the course of ulcerative colitis. However, a significant number of patients estimated to be between 20 to 30% of patients with crohn’s disease and 30 to 40% with ulcerative colitis, not responding to treatment with infliximab, thus the failure of infliximab is a real problem which the clinician should resolve quickly.
This review aimed to describe predictif factors and mecanique of infliximab failure during MICI treatment and to precise differents therapeutique options.
Methods: Literature review
Results: The definition of failure of infliximab during inflammatory bowel disease is not consensual; it is very varied from one study to another. However, we define two types of non response to infliximab as either primary or secondary. Factors predisposing to failure of infliximab have been reported. Some alternative therapies may be recommended.
The sequential treatment comparing to the episodic treatment by infliximab is better in obtaining an endoscopic and clinical response of patients with inflammatory bowel disease. The injection of infliximab should be preceded by the taking of immunosuppressive and concomitant use of these during treatment significantly improves the clinical response of patients. Also, the increased time of exposure to infliximab, either by increasing doses or shorter intervals of infusion therapy is a considerable therapy alternative. Moreover, thanks to the advent of new molecular anti TNFa, a relay by adalinumab or certolizumab may be proposed.
Conclusion: The failure of infliximab is a common situation but not so easily solved by the clinician. The alternative therapies are aimed at strengthening; improve the action of infliximab or to change the therapeutic molecule. The efficacy of infliximab, being dependent on the rate of infliximab antibody, a therapeutic strategy based on the serum concentration of infliximab is proposed. If the serum concentration is low or undetectable suggesting a high rate of antibody, a change of molecule should be promoted. As if against the serum concentration is high or intermediate, increased time of exposure to infliximab or the addition of immunosuppressive can be proposed.
Infliximab, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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