Bisphosphonates’ : Indications in bone diseases other than osteoporosis


Leila Cheikhrouhou Abdelmoula
Rim Ben M'Barek
Chiraz Ben Hadj Yahia
Raoudha Tekaya
Nadia Testouri
Lilia Chaabouni
Rafik Zouari


Aim : Report of bisphosphonates indications for osseous diseases other than osteoporosis.
Methods : Narrative review of the literature.
Results : Bisphosphonates represent a new medication which is increasingly used. Besides osteoporosis, it is indicated as first choice in different bone diseases such as Paget’s disease and the prevention of bone complications in tumoral osteolysis. Bisphosphonates’ efficiency has been proven in other pathologies: the fibrous dysplasia and the osteogenesis imperfecta. More over, many studies are driven having for goal to show the efficiency of bisphosphonates in the algoneurodystrophy, non corticosteroid-treated osteoporosis in chronic inflammatory rheumatism and aseptic osteonecrosis.
Conclusion: Bisphosphonates are a powerful inhibition of osseous resoption frestable indicatied for osteoporosis. Their indications were retended to paget’s disease, malignant hypercalcemia, and osseous complications of malignant osterlysis.


Bisphosphonates, bone resorption, fibrous dysplasia, bony metastases, malignant osteolysis osteogenesis imperfecta, Paget's disease, algoneurodystrophy, aseptic osteonecrosis, tumoral osteolysis,



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