Rosai -Dorfman disease: A two cases report


Hadhami Ben Turkia
Manal Ben Romdhane
Hatem Azzouz
Amel Ben Chehida
Mohamed Slim Abdelmoula
Rim Ben Abdelaziz
Neji Tebib
Monia Ben Messoud
Samia Sahtout
Inés Chelly
Moncef Zitouni
Emna Mnif
Marie Françoise Ben Dridi


Background: Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD) is a benign lymphoproliferatif disorder characterized by cervical lymphadenopathies with a consistent risk of airways’ compression and esthetical prejudice. Extra nodal localizations are also described.
Aim: To report two pediatric cases of RDD.
Cases: the first case concerned a patient with a prolonged nodal involvement of RDD. Remission seems to be natural although it coincided with a sulfaméthoxazole- triméthoprime therapy. The second case illustrated an extranodal form of RDD localized in soft tissue and paranasal sinus with extension to nasal cavity which were
Conclusion: RDD is usually a benign disorder. Particular localizations, lack of effective therapy and the high risk of recurrence are important issues in this rare affection.


Rosai-Dorfman disease, Dorfman disease, nasal sinus, soft tissus, child, treatment



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