Management of liver disease during pregnancy
Background: Several liver diseases can be observed during pregnancy. Some are proper to pregnancy and others are not.
Aim: To study and to analyze the different liver diseases encountered during pregnancy and describe their management.
Methods: Retrospective study of 97 patients having a liver disease during their pregnancy, the cases were managed in the department "C" of obstetrics and newborn of Tunis.
Results: The prevalence of hepatopathy associated to pregnancy was 1.61 in our study. The mean term was 35 weeks of amenorrhea. 45% of labors were induced prematurily. 21 patients were transferred to intensive care unit after delivery due to the severity of their pathology. No maternal death was noted.
Conclusion: The better comprehension of physiopathology of this association can help to improve the patients care.
Liver, pregnancy, mortality, morbidity, complications##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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