TINU syndrome and lymphoid interstitial alveolitis: a new observation


Naziha Khammassi
Dorsaf Mohsen
Mondher Ounissi
Mohamed Nejib Tougourti
Mohsen Hamza


Background: TINU syndrome is a rare entity known Dobrin disease, combining uveitis mostly bilateral and recurrent with acute tubulo interstitial nephritis (AIN) occurring in young adults. The etiology and pathogenesis of this syndrome remain unknown.
Aim: To report a new case of TINU syndrome and to discuss its etiopathogenesis.
Case report: This 33 year old women is hospitalized for exploration of acute renal failure, in a context of deterioration of general condition, associated with a unilateral anterior uveitis. The bronchoalveolar lavage showed lymphoid interstitial alveolitis with CD4 and the renal biopsy found lesions characteristic of AIN. Evolution under corticoïd treatment was favorable.
Conclusion: Lymphoid interstitial alveolitis associated with TINU syndrome has been reported only twice before. The discovery of a TINU syndrome must practice bronchoalveolar lavage in search of sub clinical pulmonary involvement.


Acute renal failure, acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis, biological inflammatory syndrome, lymphoid interstitial alveolitis, uveitis



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