Care of thyroid microcarcinoma. About 13 cases
Background: Thyroid microcarcinoma is defined as a tumour of one centimeter or less in its greater diameter. Prognoses and therapeutic modalities remain controversial therapeutic guidelines for surgical treatment.
Aim: To analyse the anatomical and clinical characteristics and discuss the modalities of care and therapeutic indications of these microcarcinoma.
Methods: We report a retrospective study concerning 13 cases of thyroid microcarcinoma, diagnosted and treated at the ENT department of Military Hospital of Tunis from 1998 to 2007.
Results: The mean age was 41 years and sex-ratio was 0.18. Clinical investigation by cervical ultrasonography found an isolated nodule in 30.7% and a multinodal goiter in 69.2%. Lymph node metastasis was precessiving in two cases. Five patients underwent loboisthmectomy and higt patients had a total thyroidectomy. Surgical lymph node removal was practiced for both cases with preceding cervical node involvement. Iodine 131 ablation was necessary every time when total thyroidectomy was practiced. A six years mean follow-up revealed no recurrence or death.
Conclusion: Thyroid microcarcinoma is favorable long-term prognosis. Therapeutic modalities are closely depending on risk factors such as histology type, tumor size, lymph node involvement and extra thyroid extension.
Thyroid microcarcinoma, thyroid nodules, thyroidectomy##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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