Is the rapid whole blood test useful for diagnosis and monitoring celiac disease in children?
Aim: To evaluate a new whole blood rapid test for the detection of IgA anti-transglutaminase (ATG) for diagnosis and diet survey of celiac disease (CD).
Methods: 57 children, 20 of them were CD patients on a gluten-free diet and 37 were under suspicion of CD were enrolled. IgAATG was detected by the conventional ELISA test and the new rapid whole blood test.
Results: Concordance between the 2 tests was 96.4%. All patients positive with ELISA were also positive by the rapid test. Only 2 patients were slightly positive by the rapid test and negative by ELISA.
Conclusion: Whole blood rapid test seems to be as performant as ELISA test for IgAATG detection.
Celiac disease, tissue transglutaminase, whole blood, rapid test##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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