Rare cause of a lower gastrointestinal bleeding
Background : Leiomyoma of the colon are rare benign smooth
muscle tumours.
Aim: Report a new case of colic leiomyoma revealed by
gastrointestinal bleeding.
Case: A 71-year-old man, diabetic, consulted the emergencies for
acute per-rectal bleeding. The physical examination was essentially
normal. Haemoglobin level was 3.7g/dl.. The upper digestif
endoscopy was normal. The colonoscopy showed an active bleeding
from the right colon but it was enable to specify the nature and the
exact seat of the bleeding lesion. An emergent operation showed a
tumor of the right colic angle of 8 cm. A right hemicolectomy was
performed with immediate ileocolic anastomosis. Pathology showed
a leiomyoma. Postoperative course mentioned a nosocomial
Conclusion: Colic leiomyomas are rare benign tumours. The determination of the mitotic index is of primary importance to differentiate them from the leiomyosarcomas of low rank of malignancy whose prognosis is unfavourable.
leiomyoma, smooth muscle tumour, stromal tumour, colon, Immunohistochemistry##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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