Comparison of differents molecular methods for detection dna of human cytomegalovirus infection for immunodepressed


Leila Mhiri
Amine Slim


Background: A Cytomegalovirus infection (HCMV) causes severe complications in immunosuppressed individuals (transplant recipients and AIDS patients).
Aim: To detect the DNA of the HCMV by three molecular methods, and to identify the fastest method and most significant.
Methods: we tested 50 samples in order to detect the presence of the HCMV. This research was carried out by molecular Hybridization, the pp65 Antigenemia and PCR on the blood of the patients presenting an infection to CMV.
Results: Molecular hybridization is positive for 64%, Antigenemia is detected in 26 cases (50%) and the plasmatic PCR is positive in 13 cases (26%). These studies demonstrated that molecular hybridization permitted CMV detection of different biological liquid but Antigenemia and PCR techniques were used to determine of from leukocytes. Plasma-PCR and Hybridization assay presented the qualitatifs results.
Conclusion: These studies indicate that there is a combining virological between molecular methods


Human Cytomegalovirus, Molecular hybridization, pp65 Antigenemia, PCR, immunosuppressed



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