Neoplasic vena cava syndrom.


Leila El Fekih
Leila Boussoffara
Sorraya Fenniche
Emna Kasdaghli
Dalenda Belhabib
Hajer Abdelghaffar
Hela Hassene
Khaoula Ben Miled
Faouzi Mezni
Mohamed Lamine Megdiche


Background : Vena cava superior syndrom results of an obstruction of superior vein cava(SVC)and/or brachiocaphalic venous troncs by extrinsic compression and/or by tumoral or cruoric thrombosis. The bronchopulmonary cancer represents the most frequent aetiology.
Aim : The aim of this study is to establish clinical, radiological, evolutive profiles and modalities of treatment of neoplasic vena cava superior syndrom independently of its histological type.
Methods: It is a retrospective study about 20 patients presenting vena cava superior syndrome compliquating primary bronchopulmonary cancer, hospitalised between January 2000 and December 2007 in Ibn Nafiss department in Abderrahmen Mami hospital.
Resultats: All patients were males with an average of 57,8 yaers. Vena cava superior syndrome had revealed cancer in 60% of cases. It was metachrone in 40% of the patients. The most frequent histological type was small cell lung cancer. Treatment was proceeded in 2 steps, symptomatic and etiologic for the bronchopulmonary cancer.
Conclusion: The bronchopulmonary cancer is the most frequent aetiology of vena cava superior syndrome. Its treatment is actually well codified.


Cancer, Lung, Superior vena cava syndrome, obstruction



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