Evaluation of hand hygiene in healthcare staff of Charles Nicolle hospital of Tunis by questionnaire


MAbrouka Saïdani
Samir Ennigrou
Hend Soltani
Saida Ben Redjeb


Background : Known to be reservoir of bacteria, hands are implicated in bacteria cross-transmission which enhances nosocomial-acquired infection rates (NI) and outbreaks. Hand washing is then considered the first mean with authentic efficiency to prevent NI
Aim : To describe the situation of the hand hygiene at Charles Nicolle hospital of Tunis in order to identify problems that can oppose to the good execution of this practice.
Methods: A descriptive transverse study performed in October 2006 where 600 questionnaires were distributed to healthcare staff of the hospital.
Results : Only 434 questionnaires were responded (158 doctors and 276 nurses). Analysis of data obtained showed that hand washing was essentially practiced after each contact presumed to be contaminant for the healthcare person himself (80%) and was principally done with water and soap (82%). Hydro-alcoholic
solutions were rarely mentioned (17.1%). The main reasons evoked for the non observance were unavailability of the necessary means (84.8%) and default of awareness (61.3%).
Conclusions : So, these results show a poor perception of the healthcare staff on the importance of hand hygiene which they share the responsibility with healthcare managers. Thus, implication of all healthcare actors is necessary to ensure the good practice and mainly the observance of hand hygiene.


hand hygiene, nosocomial infections, questionnaire, hydro-alcoholic solutions



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