Occupational Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Concerning 27 Cases)
Background : Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most frequent of tunnel syndromes in the field of the professional sphere. It is related to repetitive movements of flexion-extension of the wrist and fingers or to a support on the heel of the hands.
Aim: To determine the posts in a risk and to specify the modalities of guaranteed reimbursement of professional carpal tunnel
Methods: A retrospective and descriptive study of 27 medical files of employees indemnified for professional carpal tunnel syndrome registered in the medical control services of the social security office in charge of medical insurance of Tunis and Sousse during a period of 10 years (1995 &ndash
Carpal tunnel, Syndrome, Medium nerve, Electromyogram, Occupational diseases, Evaluation Incapacity##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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