Fertility and inflammatory bowel diseases.


Meriem Serghini
Monia Fekih
Sami Karoui
Nadia Ben Mustapha
Lamia Kallel
Samira Matri
Jalel Boubaker
Azza Filali


Background : Data concerning fertility during inflammatory bowel disease are insufficient and sometimes contradictory. The aims of this review are to precise the impact of inflammatory bowel disease on fertility.
Methods: Literature review.
Results: The risk of infertility seems to be raised at one under group of patients and made to intervene several factors of which, in particular for the Crohn’s disease, the activity of the disease and the psychological impact leads by this chronic disorder. The decrease of the fertility, as very feminine as male, during the ulcerative colitis is essentially bound to the surgery. Data concerning the impact of various therapeutic used during inflammatory bowel disease on the fertility are very insufficient and interest especially male fertility.


Inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, fertility



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