Pseudotumoral Villonodular Synovitis : A Case Report


Mohamed Ali Sbai
Lamjed Tarhouni
Saied Baccari
Adel Khorbi
Nassim Ben Hmida
Salim Daas
Mohamed Souissi
Rafik Marzouk
Messaoud Tebib


Background: Pseudotumoral pigmented villonodular synovitis is rare and diagnosis is difficult.
Aim: Report of new case.
Case:We report an original observation of a pseudotumoral pigmented villonodular synovitis occurred in a 28 years old patient with no recurrence after surgical treatment. A review of the literature was made in order to precise the epidemiological, diagnostic and therapeutic characteristics.


Tumor, Synoviale membrane, Pigmented villonodular synovitis



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