Correlation Between Liver Biopsy And Fibrotest In The Evaluation Of Hepatic Fibrosis In Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C
Aim: To assess the diagnostic value of Fibrotest in comparison with liver biopsy, for the evaluation of hepatic fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C.
Methods: This prospective study included in 2 years (2006-2007), consecutive patients with chronic hepatitis C naive to treatment. Fibrotest and liver biopsy were performed. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves , the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were used to assess the diagnostic value of Fibrotest in comparison with the METAVIR classification.
Results:We recruited a total of 65 patients: 28 males and 37 females (mean age: 50 years); 92% of the patients had genotype 1. The histological fibrosis results were: 3. 1% F0; 24. 6% F1; 32. 3%F2; 29. 2%F3 and 10. 8 %F4. The diagnostic value of Fibrotest in the detection of significant fibrosis (F2-F4) was 0. 87. A score >0. 5 has a sensitivity of 85. 1%, a specificity of 72. 2%, a positive predictive value of 88. 9%,and a negative predictive value of 65%. The diagnostic value of Fibrotest in the detection of cirrhosis (F4) was0. 85. There were 13/65 cases of discordance (20%) for fibrosis, 4 cases were attributable to biopsy and 6 cases to Fibrotest. The discordance was unexplained in 3 cases. the size of biopsy<15mm [OR=2. 82, 95% CI, 1. 3–6. 07; p =0. 008] and the stage of fibrosis F0,F1,F2 [OR =3. 35 , 95% CI, 1. 1–10. 2; p=0. 03] were considered as risk factors of discordance in multivariate analysis.
Conclusion: This prospective study confirmed the good diagnostic value of Fibrotest as compared with the histological analysis of liver biopsy.
hepatitis C, fibrosis, liver, biopsy, Biological Markers##plugins.themes.academic_pro.article.details##
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